Community Investment

DreamPartner wants to enable people to live their dreams. Living your Dreams has not only to do with your individual life, but it has also to do with the place where you are living. Because of that DreamPartner invests into the community you are living in.
Community investment means not waiting until others do something but doing something by yourself. To offer free activities that improve the living situation in your community.
We serve the community with free clubs and activities such as:
- After-school English clubs (in cooperation with teachers and schools)
- Work with special need people (crafts and table-tennis for the hearing impaired)
- Art and handicraft
- Guitar classes run by short-term volunteers
- Participation in city/town events
- Sports activities (in preparation)
Community Investment needs lots of hands, only if we are willing to do something without expecting something in return the community can be strengthened. If you are interested to help to build your community, then please look at our volunteer page.